Pre-Trade Test Training

The Vocational Training Authority/Pre-Trade Test Training

VTA offers pre-trade test training to prepare learners for their trade test qualification.

The courses extensively focus on the practical and theoretical curriculum of the relevant trades and supplement the existing knowledge and experience.

Minimum Requirements

  1. Minimum four (4) years relevant on the job practical experience within South Africa and N2 four subjects’ certificate or equivalent qualification including relevant trade theory. OR
  2. Minimum five (5) years relevant on the job practical experience within South Africa and N2 relevant trade theory or equivalent subject. OR
  3. Minimum six (6) years relevant on the job practical experience within South Africa with no N2
  4. Successful completion of merSETA registered NQF Level 2, 3 and 4 trade related learnerships with minimum two (2) years, inclusive of the institutional and workplace components OR
  5. Former apprentice who have met the section 13 trade test requirements and their contract got rescinded before qualifying as artisan.
  6. Former apprentices under Section 13 terminated before they could qualify for trade test, and either have proven eligibility for a Section 28 Trade test based on acquired skills from the formal training part under Section 13, or have undergone additional approved training to meet the requirement.

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